It came and went so fast.... Did anyone see it? We have many many memories of the day and all in all, we were content. Sharing with the family and especially the grandbabies, priceless! I hope you and your family enjoyed similar memories! Now, we're looking forward to the New Year! Blessings to all in the coming one!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas is over!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
More for Christmas!
The Dining Room......Mantle below the windows with the Nativity spread across it. My chandelier is a take off one that I found linked to the Inspired Room. I really thought it was pretty cool to put a wreath on the bottom part of the chandelier.

Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
So, you think it's crazy 'round here?
Yeah, I mean that literally! We are in the process of moving things around in my home to fit in all the people we're going to be having over for Thanksgiving next week! LOL! It's been crazy busy here. And even in spite of the moving, I've still been working on projects! I have finished the car-seat cover for my newest grandson. Didn't want him to get cold while being toted around in this wintery weather!
And I'm in the process of making him two lovey blankies. Oh and finishing his owl, which will be like the one posted previously. Shouldn't these gifts be for Christmas? Well, no, guess not! They are just things we've been trying to get to for a while!
It isn't so much that I am not getting things done, but, getting the pics up on the blog are the hard part! The last set of pics were taken by my other daughter's new camera and I'm not sure if I can get them off it! Oh the joys of electronics and techy things!
Hope you all are having a great time getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving next week!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Not sure what is going on with my site
I'm not exactly sure, what is happening on my blog, but, I'm missing alot of stuff. Anyone have any ideas?
Monday, October 19, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I made it! I made it! Whoo Hoo!
I made it to the Big List of Sewing Blogs! Yahoo! I am clear down at the bottom of the list, but, hey, I made it! I'm so proud of myself! I never thought I'd ever get out there with my sewing! I think I'm just beginning! Look out world! Here I come! I am so excited!
You won't believe all that I'm working on right now, and no pics! LOL! Here is the list:
1. 2 Cloth Dolls
2. 2 crocheted Amigukids (those are my amigurumi)!
3. Purse
4. A watercolor landscape
All this for my daughter's Silent Art Auction to help her raise money to go to put on VBS at a Russian Orphanage! I'm so stoked to be a part of something bigger than myself!
So, I'll post some pics as soon as possible! In the mean time, keep checking out my flickr pics and my other blog post! You'll find me up to something!
Labels: Amigukids, amigurumi, big list of sewing blogs, blogs, crochet, dolls, purse, sewing, silent art auction, watercolor
Friday, August 21, 2009
Work in progress
Enjoy! This is little bear

Will post more pics when I'm finished with him. Questions? email me!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Since I haven't made any of these in a while....

These are some things I made earlier this year, but never posted. The mouse went to my grandson, Bryton, and the owl, was a design that I wanted to make for my daughter's nursery, but, she didn't care for the fabric. So, we have him hanging in the sewing room. The monkey---he's here somewhere! Probably in the toybox!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Very Busy Week
We've had a very busy week at church this week with VBS! You know what I'm talking about! Kids, Kids everywhere! But, such fun!
I haven't made anything this week, due to some small minor shoulder injury and now, I can only move my arm so much, but, here is a link to a cute pencil, pen case that would make some young school person happy! If you make it share your thoughts with the author! Enjoy!
I might give this a whirl soon!
Have a great Thursday!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Lord's Day!
Are these not just the most precious little ones? Here is our new grandbaby Everett! So cute!
This is the Lord's Day and we are now home from Worship! Just a great time of singing and praising God! We're gearing up for a week of Vacation Bible School--begins tomorrow night and runs through Friday. I'm in charge of registration and medical release forms. Yippee!!
It's a fairly easy system however, since, it's all done on the computer! My dedicated hubby built the database we use and is all ready to go for this year!
Guessing I should get busy on the Nursing Wrap today, maybe have it done by tomorrow when I'm sure we'll be over at Grace's part of the day.... then off to church in the evening.
Today's verse from Bible Gateway: "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12: 6-7
Happy Sunday! Don't let the heat of summer drag you down!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Just be yourself
Tim, Pam, and Bryton came over tonight and brought (yum) pizza & ice cream! Wow--fattening! Anyway, we sat and watched a movie---"Coraline" It was a strangely disturbing weird movie. I wasn't impressed with it. It made me feel sad, cause here I am a sewer and I would make a doll like that, but, it was too weird. The sewer was evil, and I didn't like the way it turned out.
I don't imagine any one who sews cute toys and dolls would find this movie too fun. But, it was good that "real" came back and they all lived happily ever after.
The last sewing project I made was a crocheted dish rag and potholder and dishtowel for Pam when she went to her Camino weekend. I also made myself a crocheted dish rag.
I recently made an over the head nursing wrap for Grace, but, she thought it wasn't enough to cover everything, so, I have to research and make another type. I have the material and stuff to work on it, but, I left it in Melanie's car and she's over at Grace's tonight, helping with the baby. I came home, and we watched the movie with Pam & Tim instead.
The new little baby is here. He's a week old and just as cute as can be! I won't post his picture here, but, suffice it to say he's adorable!
I'm also getting ready to make a bassinet covering, did you see anything on the web that costs about 850.00! Yikes! That's the kind they want me to make! I'm hoping I can pull it off! We'll see. Now, if I do end up doing that project, I will post pictures!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Family Reunion!
The siblings with Dad Harwell. Left to right Back Row: Hugh Jr, Mary, Sylvia, Doreen, Emma.
Front Row: Nancy, Martha, Hugh Sr., Marilyn, Carol
Missing from the photo: Valentina & Esther.
Now here is one with the Grandkids: Though many were not here this day:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
June 17th! Summer is here!
Friday, May 15, 2009
It is unbelievable how fast time flies by! I cannot believe I don't get on this computer as much as I used to! I have been so busy. We are in the process of finishing up the new nursery for my daughter's second little boy due in August! He is one special little guy! Has his own room, while his big brother still has his own nursery room! This little guy is getting orange/brown/bluish-green/and cream as his main color pattern. There is a tree in the room on the wall now, with orange leaves, painted by my artist daughter: Melanie! It's adorable and the bedding was made by my daughter who is expecting (Grace) & myself! As soon as I get a chance I will take some pics of it and post them up here! Can't wait!
The weather is fearsome today! We're in the middle of some strong storms. It's as black as night out there though it is only 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon! Can't hardly fathom that!
Enjoy this Friday! Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sorry I haven't been here in a while!
Can't imagine how fast this past month flew by! We made it through Easter with all the demands of schedules, and dinners, etc. But, thanking the Lord for his Risen Son!
I have been busy pretty much every afternoon that I have been off work, helping my daughter make her new baby bedding, for the new little guy who is due in August. We've made bumper pads, skirt for the crib, sheets for the bed, a blanket/quilt, changing pad cover out of minky fabric, and curtains for the window and a shade. So, need I say more on how much time is involved in that little project? Cheesh!
My other daughter is over there tonight painting a mural on the wall: a tree. Our inspiration? an owl! So cute... I'll be sure to post some pics when we're finished. Though I wish we'd have taken some while in the process. Would have been fun to see the progress.
I always seem to forget to get the camera out when I'm working!
Over the course of the past month, I've made two visits to my 94 year old dad. He's out walking everyday, as usual and even chopped some wood a couple of weeks ago! Imagine being able to chop wood at 94! I'm amazed.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
St. Patrick's Day
Well, it is St. Patrick's Day, but, the fun is not in it. My brother-in-law, on my husband's side of the family passed last night and we'll sorely miss him. He was a kind hearted guy and a great uncle to my kids growing up. We haven't seen him since he was diagnosed with lung cancer, so I guess it is a good thing, we can remember him as his former healthy self.
My daughter and I are trying to work out our thing together, and so, we have started another blog and it is Give us a visit and see what you think. We want to make unique one of a kind items that are great for babies and new moms. Hope in time you'll find something that you'd like to have made. Our etsy shop is there, but, we don't have any items listed yet. I am big too into Amigurumi and will hope to upload some photos of the characters I make. I just finished a puppy yesterday and will get his picture taken soon so that you can see him and maybe he will go into our shop.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday the 13th!
Well, it's Friday and the week is over again? Wow! Okay, I have been working on making things, but, I haven't posted the pictures. Since I've been on here, I've made a cool looking diaper bag and a couple of burp cloths and changing pad to go with it. I've made an over the shoulder bag for my daughter in law and I'm working right now on two shopping cart covers for a friend. The other thing I'm getting done this week is I'm making a puppy amigukid, he'll be added to my collection. We'll be posting several items up on the Owlishly Cute Etsy Shop soon. So you'll have to check us out over there as soon as I get us up and running. I'll get back here tonight and post some pics! Be watching! Happy Weekend to you all!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Some new things...
Here are a few things I've worked on in the past few weeks. I have more but, no pics :(! We'll work on that! My daughter & I have created a new blog and we're going to begin an etsy shop. I'll keep you all posted on that. If you like my work you'll be able to find it there. As soon as we get set up I'll be posting links to all that! In the meantime, here's what I have...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
What will the new year bring