Krinklekids Doggie.
Doggie was purchased as a baby gift.
Amigukid Monkey

Amigukid Bee
Krinklekids Doggie.
Doggie was purchased as a baby gift.
Amigukid Monkey
St. Lou that is. We dealt with some family things at the Family reunion at our home place. I think we'll keep the property there in the family, I hope. Looks like that could be the way it goes. After we visited with family and friends, my family spent a relaxing evening in St. Clair and then the next morning, we drove into the city. We went up in the Arch! It had been many many years since I'd been up there. My grown daughter commented that it was the first time she'd been since she was a little girl, and she didn't remember it. So, if that puts any kind of bug in your ear, it should be this: "If you remember it, it doesn't necessarily mean they will remember it." That's in reference to the momentous things you do with your kids when they are little. Do things when they are bigger kids, so they will remember them! We did so many things, had traveled from one side of the country to the other over the years, and I wonder how much of it they remember? Well, we'll have to discuss that sometime!
Hope everyone has a wonderful week. I will get those things posted, I will!
Coming off a 3-day weekend is hard! You just get into the relaxing mode, only to find that you have to face the reality of the week you're already in! Grr! Oh well! Life's too short to be frustrated, right?
Not too many disasters today only a freezer that shorted out over the weekend sometime. Went downstairs to the Fellowship Hall and had to drag out all the contents including 2 turkeys, boxes of hamburgers, and hotdogs, and a variety of other food stuff that had to be pitched because we didn't want to take a chance on anything spoiling! A couple of us got it all taken care of though. No more Freezer, however!
We've been working on our weight now since the middle of March, I'd guess. I don't know, because I've been dragging my feet, with the recent loss I've endured. I can't begin to put my finger on it, just haven't felt like dealing with things. But, I finally got on board towards the end of March and slowly making my way down the scales. I believe since the winter, I've lost almost 16 lbs. It's not much from my viewpoint, since I believe I have alot to go, but, it is a drop in the bucket and I'm not going to quit. Even though there are days I'd rather not count the food I'm eating, or put on my walking shoes and go walking. I will still get out there if my family will keep after me! And so far, all the family at home is working on it. We're losing weight and walking; I'd say that's quite an accomplishment for us!
Soon, I hope to show some befores and afters! YIKES! For those of you who know what I'm talking about! Laugh Out Loud!
I have a couple of sewing projects on the horizon. Two infant onesies (memasews) with ties appliqued to the front and two Krinklekids animals for another friend! Yeah God! He has provided the customers for me! I pray He continues to lead them to my door!
Have a blessed week everyone!