Cute little Christmas birds... These are my snowbirds! Crazy Busy time!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Don't you know?
Well, don't you know I have a sore throat and stuffy nose! What is it with winter? Here is what I recently made for a friend who needed a baby gift. What do you think?
These are a set. The gray horse & blanket were the beginning, but, she liked the Palomino Pony too and so got all three! It was cool. Everyone loved them.
If you are interested, please visit me here often and let me know of your interest.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thank You Dawn
Wohoo! How do you say that? I made my first telephone sale! I'm so glad you ordered! Do you like your products? I had a great time crocheting them and putting them together in their little boxes.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Well hello!
Okay, so, I haven't been true to my word and haven't posted everyday like I said I would. I guess it's harder to be in tune with doing this internet stuff than I thought. I will say I have not been idle. Of course, I've been crocheting.....
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I have to keep reminding myself that today is Tuesday! It is not Monday! It feels like a Monday to me. I'm quite excited, I've begun my next set of bags---1 is a diaper bag with a couple of goodies inside, 1 is a market bag (purse). It is going to be posted shortly. Check back in a couple of days for pics. I also am in the middle of finishing my next cell phone case (a lamb). Will get the pics up as soon as I finish the projects. If you are interested in purchasing anything I make, just shoot me an email and I'll send you an order form.
Have a great TUESDAY!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Couple of things
NEw work posted
My newest work has been posted to my flickr link to the left. It's kept me quite busy of late. Keep checking back for new items. If anything is of interest to you, just email me and I'll send you more information.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
New Day

Salty Dog---$10

Yellow Bear (top of slide)--Gone
Yellow Monkey (bottom of slide)---Gone
Pink Bear with Gray extremities---Gone
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Been a while
This is a tabby cat charm.
It's been a little while. I'm getting ready to post some pics of the most current things I've been working on... here they are! The little pink cat is going shopping. The blue dog is Grady and then there is the yellow bear (he's my grandbaby Hudson's get well bear--Hudson is getting ready to have tubes put in his ears :( ) Then the Black Bear loves Coke Zero don't you know? The little guy in the window is the newest and I've labeled him the Bryton Get Well Doggie--cause Bryton burned his little fingers upon touching his other grandma & grandpa's lawn mower muffler! Oh dear! He's okay though. It's been a few days and he acts like he didn't do anything! These little guys bounce back so quickly! Well, we're getting ready to leave on Vacation! Can't wait! Do so need one!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
August already?!
Wow, the summer is flying by quickly! It has been crazy and out of control! Just kidding. I returned from my major weekend duties including the presenting of all 16 slide show presentations for all 16 speakers at this past weekend's experience, and I am exhausted! But, had a delightful time nevertheless. Now, I'm looking forward to VACATION! Yes, again vacation! Going off towards the north this time to get away from some of the heat and humidity! I'm so looking forward to cooler evenings and mornings! I'm venturing into a new arena this fall, going to join a Taeqwando (not sure if I spelled that correctly!) class for over 50. Yes, I'm that old! Anyway, will be taking that every Tuesday and Thursday! Isn't that exciting? Well it is to me! I haven't made much of anything since about 4 weeks ago, so you see I have nothing new to post here as far as projects go that is.
Well, off to work I go!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Where does the time go?

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Birthdays and such
I didn't take a photo of Bryton's 2nd Birthday amigurumi I crocheted! I can't believe I didn't take a picture, but, I made one of the Japanese Cats that I found the pattern online to and it turned out pretty cool! He's tan and white.
Here's Hudson's 1st Birthday amigurumi monkey I crocheted for his birthday: Isn't he a cutie? I called him Sander. I was trying to think of a name for him, but, couldn't come up with something special, then I remembered sitting in the doctor's waiting room, while Hudson went in for his first year check up and on the TV was the movie: Sandlot! So, I thought: Sander, okay....That's where the name came from in case you were wondering.
Then, I thought I would post what I made while in Texas on V! He's just a silly old bear, called Boris. He was just hanging around doing nothing much when I snapped this pic...
My middle daughter turned 25 yesterday! Wow! I can't get over how time has flown by through the years! Where did it go? It seems like just yesterday that I was 25 and having my first baby! Well, that is the way it goes isn't it? I'm making her a beach bag and blanket to lay out in the sun on. Hope she likes it! I'll post some pics soon.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Been away awhile....

Don't we look like a bunch of Kooks! 2 of my sisters and my daughter! We had an awesome time. Everyone loved the Galveston Beach where we hung out for a couple of days before returning to my sis's house in Groves.
I've been busy working on a myriad of amigurumi. Here is a photo of some of the recent guys:
Some of these went in a basket for children's hospital gifts.
Well, I'll return sooner this time!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Barney is my very own creation! I love him, he's just hanging around playing with his pet mousey: Mikey. They just kind of took over the counter, I think they wanted coffee or something.
Now, really? Hide and Seek at midnight? What's up with that? Those crazy critters! What will they think of next?
Sandy Lou just happened to find the mug cupboard...., she was playing hide and seek too? What will they think of next?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Taking a trip
Don't have much to say here except we have to take a trip: My husband's brother is in ICU at a hospital because his oxygen tank blew up in his face. I don't know if he's going to be okay or not. I'll be back here next week or in a few days. Hope you all have a safe weekend!