Thursday, May 29, 2008

Birthdays and such

I didn't take a photo of Bryton's 2nd Birthday amigurumi I crocheted! I can't believe I didn't take a picture, but, I made one of the Japanese Cats that I found the pattern online to and it turned out pretty cool! He's tan and white.

Here's Hudson's 1st Birthday amigurumi monkey I crocheted for his birthday: Isn't he a cutie? I called him Sander. I was trying to think of a name for him, but, couldn't come up with something special, then I remembered sitting in the doctor's waiting room, while Hudson went in for his first year check up and on the TV was the movie: Sandlot! So, I thought: Sander, okay....That's where the name came from in case you were wondering.

Then, I thought I would post what I made while in Texas on V! He's just a silly old bear, called Boris. He was just hanging around doing nothing much when I snapped this pic...

My middle daughter turned 25 yesterday! Wow! I can't get over how time has flown by through the years! Where did it go? It seems like just yesterday that I was 25 and having my first baby! Well, that is the way it goes isn't it? I'm making her a beach bag and blanket to lay out in the sun on. Hope she likes it! I'll post some pics soon.