Monday, March 31, 2008

April's here!

Wow, April's on the doorstep! It has been a whirlwind of a month in March and is about to be over!....Tomorrow--well you know what that is! Hope you all have a good one! My days prior to this weekend just past, were filled with sewing! But, of course the excuse is I didn't take any pictures :( I made a shopping cart cover, a blanket, two bibs, and two burp cloths, and oh a cute little crocheted horse for a baby shower! I cannot believe I let those things get out the door without taking a picture! I'm so bad....

Today--I just knitted a tube to be used as a hand muff by a dear friend, who is suffering from a disease that is an immune type of disease, and her hands became blocked by the circulation that is normally going to the hands---and so she almost lost one finger, but, finally the doctors were able to get that blood to flow down in there again. But, her hands are so cold! So, I promised her I would get her a muff made. It's almost done. I thought I would put a few pretties on it before I called it a day. I promise not to let this one get away without a pic!

In the mean time---here's a little eye candy for you all...I haven't figured out how to link yet to let you know where I found the patterns or ideas for these....

Isn't this little lamb cute? It's Sammy--he is Bryton's!

Then here's this little lamb I crocheted--It's Melanie's.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I made these a while back, still waiting for the ties to use, but, I have not posted much lately, so I will put these up.

I've done many things since I've worked on these bibs, no pics though.

  • 2 Crocheted bunny rabbits

  • 2 burp cloths & 2 baby bibs for a baby shower

  • hemmed 2 pairs of pants (1 for daughter, 1 for grandson)

  • a sash or scarf for Easter for another daughter (from a silky shower curtain!)

  • a crocheted horsey for baby shower

So you see, I have lots I need to show you!

Have a great week (I've been sick this week!) YCH!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Still here

Just wanted to get caught up. I've been busy---Spring Cleaning don't ya know? Really--I moved all the furniture around in my bedroom and the living room and feel pretty good about how that all went.

This kept me busy last night!

Friday, March 14, 2008

6:49 person?

I am a 6:49 a.m. person! I had no idea. How fun! You should check this out.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Joining the party

I want to get out there! So, I'm going to join this party. Anyone want to come along?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Was that a time change?

Well, at least they said to change the time. Anyway, with this terrible head cold bug, whatever, it's been hard to keep up with time! And here we are heading into the 2nd week of March. Made 2 different amigurumi bunnies today. They are all done, but, the faces. I'll get them posted tomorrow. The girls and I are watching "Hairspray". It's funny. I'd have to stretch my imagination on some of the things to try to remember if that was "really the way it was" back then. But, a cute spoof. I doubt the heavy girl got the guy back then though. You know what I mean? Well happy dreams to you all!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Not much sewing going on around here!

Not much going on around here, just trying to get over this crazy winter bug that hit. So can't talk much, but, just lazin' around. Here's my latest Amigurumi (I don't know does it look more like a bear than a cat?) Well, he's a cutie no matter. I just love crocheting these little guys. It's so fast and easy! I'm excited to get on to more things like this.

Friday, March 7, 2008

March? Already?

Wow, does time go this fast for everyone else? It seems like it was just yesterday that I started this post. But, you know time doesn't wait for anyone! Here I am and I have been busy! I've crocheted some little guys recently. I will have to learn how to upload the photos so you can have a look see! Hope you all are well, I am looking forward to getting under way with blogging!
Looks like so much fun!