Wow, April's on the doorstep! It has been a whirlwind of a month in March and is about to be over!....Tomorrow--well you know what that is! Hope you all have a good one! My days prior to this weekend just past, were filled with sewing! But, of course the excuse is I didn't take any pictures :( I made a shopping cart cover, a blanket, two bibs, and two burp cloths, and oh a cute little crocheted horse for a baby shower! I cannot believe I let those things get out the door without taking a picture! I'm so bad....
ay--I just knitted a tube to be used as a hand muff by a dear friend, who is suffering from a disease that is an immune type of disease, and her hands became blocked by the circulation that is normally going to the hands---and so she almost lost one finger, but, finally the doctors were able to get that blood to flow down in there again. But, her hands are so cold! So, I promised her I would get her a muff made. It's almost done. I thought I would put a few pretties on it before I called it a day. I promise not to let this one get away without a pic!
In the mean time---here's a little eye candy for you all...I haven't figured out how to link yet to let you know where I found the patterns or ideas for these....
Isn't this little lamb cute? It's Sammy--he is Bryton's!
Then here's this little lamb I crocheted--It's Melanie's.