It's so late! Who stays up this late, I want to know! Well, it's now 1/2 a month since I've last posted and now it's so late, who wants to be up posting! It's crazy nuts around my place most days and you sometimes can't see up from down! You know what I mean? My latest feat at sewing: A Poo Potty Training Chart! Ha! You didn't know there was such a thing did you? Well, after my grandson visited the pediatric gastroenterologist (did I spell that right?) we found out that you need to put them on the potty for 5 minutes when they get up in the morning, after breakfast, after lunch, after dinner, and before bedtime! Whew! That's alot of sitting time! But, so to make it fun, here is what I piddled around with and came up with:
This potty chart works with any kind of stickers. I made several pages to insert with the grid on it so they can change the grid every week. We'll let you know if it works or not! Let me know what you think okay?